Pair Of Dice Paradise - Year 7
By Chaz Marler | In the category of Board Games

738 pledges

are helping raise


Contribute to this project:
  • Incentives
  • Super-Secret Hush-Hush Facebook Group
    $25 USD
    You'll be invited to join the Pair Of Dice Paradise Exclusive, Members-Only Super Hush-Hush Facebook Group.

    Within its walls, you'll partake in luxuries heretofore unknown to humankind. Participate in exclusive, members-only video live streams, watch content before the public, revel in behind-the-scenes content, & embark on conversations with Chaz and other Pair Of Dice Paradise supporters.

    We're not saying this membership will drastically improve your life, but since joining I see new colors.
  • Pin Twins!
    $100 USD
    Add a little divine intervention to your rolls with these Angel & Devil Dice pinned to your lapel, lanyard, backpack, or other pinnable surface.

    This incentive includes one of each 1-inch enamel pin: angel & devil.

    Each pin is set in sturdy 5-color enamel on a metal backing. And if the National Pin Certification Agency was a thing, these would totally be certified as awesome.

    These pins can also be purchased directly on this project's Shop page.
Ben OSteen
15 days ago

Nancy Wright
18 days ago

Jerry Reece
24 days ago

Ben OSteen
2 months ago

Mark Harker
2 months ago

Nancy Wright
2 months ago

Jerry Reece
2 months ago

Brian Kovach
2 months ago

Philip Joyce
2 months ago

Ben OSteen
3 months ago

Nancy Wright
3 months ago

Jerry Reece
3 months ago

Brian Kovach
3 months ago

Philip Joyce
3 months ago

Ben OSteen
4 months ago

Jake Boone
4 months ago

Nancy Wright
4 months ago

Jerry Reece
4 months ago

Brian Kovach
4 months ago

Philip Joyce
4 months ago

738 total pledges.