Pair Of Dice Paradise - Year 7
By Chaz Marler | In the category of Board Games

738 pledges

are helping raise


Contribute to this project:
  • Incentives
  • Super-Secret Hush-Hush Facebook Group
    $25 USD
    You'll be invited to join the Pair Of Dice Paradise Exclusive, Members-Only Super Hush-Hush Facebook Group.

    Within its walls, you'll partake in luxuries heretofore unknown to humankind. Participate in exclusive, members-only video live streams, watch content before the public, revel in behind-the-scenes content, & embark on conversations with Chaz and other Pair Of Dice Paradise supporters.

    We're not saying this membership will drastically improve your life, but since joining I see new colors.
  • Pin Twins!
    $100 USD
    Add a little divine intervention to your rolls with these Angel & Devil Dice pinned to your lapel, lanyard, backpack, or other pinnable surface.

    This incentive includes one of each 1-inch enamel pin: angel & devil.

    Each pin is set in sturdy 5-color enamel on a metal backing. And if the National Pin Certification Agency was a thing, these would totally be certified as awesome.

    These pins can also be purchased directly on this project's Shop page.

Celebrate tabletop games and the gaming community with Pair Of Dice Paradise!
Help make this seventh year the best season ever!


This campaign is to help Pair Of Dice Paradise continue producing informative and entertaining video content on a regular basis throughout the coming year — celebrating games, gamers, and gaming culture!
Pair Of Dice Paradise's videos help you sift through the landslide of new tabletop, card, and board games that are published every single month by providing lists of the hottest games, eye-catching games, upcoming titles that have captured our attention, games we've added to our collection (and why) — plus overviews, component upgrades, and topic discussions!


Each year, Pair Of Dice Paradise produces a metric ton of videos that are chock-full of board games news and information — and are fun to watch!

Hundreds more board game videos are on the Pair Of Dice Paradise YouTube channel!

And there's more to come! This year, we're introducing a ton of project milestones — packed with special videos for backers! Some of these are interactive events, some are special series that viewers have been asking for, and some are both! These milestones include:


This year is all about introducing more special events for backers and viewers! Lots of adventures are in the works, including:

Top 100 Games Of All Time: Updated for 2020!

When this milestone is reached, Chaz will create and all-new, revised list of his Top 100 Games Of All Time! Literally thousands of new games have been published since his previous list from 2016, and Chaz will produce a new list covering his updated picks and favorites.

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Game Shelf Inventory

Be invited to review Pair Of Dice Paradise's game shelves with Chaz to discuss the hits and misses they contain, and maybe even help convince him to (gulp!) cull some games from his collection.

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Magic Arena One-On-One

Magic The Gathering's online version, Magic Arena, has rekindled Chaz's love for the game. This milestone unlocks a series of one-on-one Magic Arena matches between Chaz and selected supporters. Will you mange to crush his best deck, "The Angel Angle"? (Yes, even his Magic deck names contain puns.)

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Chaz vs The Internet

Help Chaz celebrate finally having a decent-speed internet connection by challenging him to a board game over the internet. When this milestone is reached, several games that we can play with the livestream audience will be scheduled, which you can participate in!

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Special Live Streams Just For Backers

Supporters who have reached the Super-Secret Hush-Hush Facebook Group level will be invited to a series of private livestream events. These will contain behind-the-scenes access and content, exclusive game reviews, and tangents into discussion topics brought up by the viewing audience.

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AMA & Commenting On Comments

This milestone invites viewers to come pick Chaz's brain, and ask the questions that riddle their minds, day after day. We may also take several opportunities to comment on some of the comments that the channel has received — including the good, the bad, and the absolutely incoherent.

But that's not all — there's more rewards to earn!

Supporters who reach the $100 donation level will receive a set of two Pair Of Dice Paradise collectible pins! Add a little divine intervention to your rolls with these Angel & Devil Dice pinned to your lapel, lanyard, backpack, or other pinnable surface.

This incentive includes one of each 1-inch enamel pin: angel & devil. Each pin is set in sturdy 5-color enamel on a metal backing. And if the National Pin Certification Agency was a thing, these would totally be certified as awesome.

And if you just want these pins right now, they're also available for purchase directly from Pair Of Dice Paradise's TeeSpring store.


A variety of merch is available in the Pair Of Dice Paradise Shop. Shirts, pins, mugs, playmats, collectible coins, and patches!


Thanks to everyone who supports Pair Of Dice Paradise’s seventh year, helps spread the word, and continues watching and commenting! Every note, share, and handshake at a convention is appreciated.

And finally, that part where we mention everything that could go wrong...
Content creation always comes with risks and challenges. Unexpected obstacles could arise. Computer hardware and/or equipment could fail, software can malfunction, or members of the team could be unavailable due to illness. Chaz could get bitten by a wombat, stub a toe, or a gigantic meteor could strike the Earth, obliterating every Walmart and fast food franchise for miles around.

The point is that video production, as with any endeavor, comes with its own unique challenges. While delays in content production are possible, we will use our experience in production and project management to not only make every effort possible to keep production running as smoothly as possible during any unforeseen difficulties, but also to retain transparency by communicating any issue with our audience while they are resolved.

We're also working on an oversized space-net to protect the fast food franchises.