Rolling Dice & Taking Names - 2018

By Marty Connell | In the category of Board Games

This season of this project ended on May 6th, 2019.

177 pledges raised $3,592 towards its goal of $5,000.

This project continues with another season as: Rolling Dice & Taking Names: '19 - '20

  • Incentives
  • Peanut Gallery Level
    $1 USD
    We appreciate your support of the show. Every little bit helps!
  • Gray Squirrel Level
    $10 USD
    Automatic entry into every RDTN contest for 2018.
  • Fox Squirrel Level
    $25 USD
    Become a member of a backer only Slack Channel. In this channel we'll discuss games, get ideas for the show, request feedback and probably have a food topic or two.

    Plus all lower tier awards.
  • Red Squirrel Level
    $50 USD
    Get a set of RDTN custom dice from Chessex Dice. Our logo is on the one side as that is something you typically do not want to see during a game.

    Plus all lower tier awards.
  • Flying Squirrel Level
    $75 USD
    Rolling Dice & Taking Names Mason Jar
    Whether you like iced tea, Moonshine or canning vegetables, you'll find some use for our RDTN Mason Jar.

    Plus all lower tier awards.
  • Neat Squirrel
    $100 USD
    Rolling Dice & Taking Names T-Shirt
    We can't guarantee you'll look cool in these shirts, but you'll look like something.

    Plus all lower tier awards.
5 years ago

Scott Geisler
5 years ago

5 years ago

Kevin Berent
6 years ago

Matt VonGunten
6 years ago

6 years ago

Bert Pike
6 years ago

David Tye
6 years ago

Jerry Reece
6 years ago

6 years ago

Michael Hall
6 years ago

6 years ago

Rachelle Gordon
6 years ago

Ed Gass-Donnelly
6 years ago

Kevin Berent
6 years ago

Matt VonGunten
6 years ago

Bert Pike
6 years ago

David Tye
6 years ago

Jerry Reece
6 years ago

6 years ago

177 total pledges.